Pinwheels for Prevention
Prevent Child Abuse America launched the national Pinwheels for Prevention® campaign in April of 2008. Since then, over 5 million pinwheels have been displayed nationwide. The campaign symbol, the pinwheel, is a reminder of the happy childhoods and bright futures that ALL children deserve. This April, Advocacy Center for Crime Victims and Children need your help in sharing our message #stopchildabuse across the 6 Central Texas Counties we serve.
Pinwheels May Be Picked Up At The Following Locations:
Advocacy Center for Crime Victims and Children - Monday March 31st - May 9th
(3312 Hillcrest Drive, Waco, Texas 76708)
(office hours Monday - Thursday 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. - closed 12-1 for lunch and Friday 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. - closed 12-1 for lunch)
**Pre-Sale Pick up on Saturday, April 5, from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. **
The First National Bank of Central Texas - Monday, March 31st - May 2nd
Waco, Woodway, China Spring, Hillsboro & Mart Locations ONLY
Spice Village - Tuesday, April 1st to April 30th
213 Mary Ave, Waco Texas, 76701 - Booth Located inside Spice Village
Citizens State Bank - Tuesday, April 1st to April 30th
505 West 5th St, Clifton, Texas